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Async Container Build

VContainer executes pre-processing such as reflection when building a container. To reduce main thread blocking time for your game:

  1. Set false to LifetimeScope.autoRun
  2. After scene loading, Call LifetimeScope.Build manually.

For example:

var nextScene = await LoadSceneAsync(...);
var lifetimeScope = LifetimeScope.Find<MyLifetimeScope>(nextScene.Scene);
// Your async solution here.await UniTask.Run(() => lifetimeScope.Build());

⚠️ Unity dependent features such as builder.RegisterComponentInHierarchy() do not work on background threads.

If this causes an error, use Awake instead.

For example:

class GameLifetimeScope : LifetimeScope{    Ground groundInScene;
    protected override void Awake()    {        // Run main thread.        groundInScene = FindObjectOfType<Ground>();
        base.Awake();    }
    protected override void Configure(IContainerBuilder builder)    {        // This can run on a background thread now.        builder.RegisterInstance(groundInScene);    }}